Author: admin

UPDATE (Summer 2022):UPDATE (Summer 2022):

0 Comments 10:20 PM

Park, playground and recreation Ground is open. A children’s football team has moved back to Bradley Park for organised sports! Community Centre remains temporarily closed for maintenance and essential post Covid updates.

Friends of Bradley Park volunteers are working hard to reopen the Community Centre after the pandemic. We all want to see the building re-open as soon as possible. If you can give a little of your time to help please get in touch. Check back soon for further updates.

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New Building Arrives on 3rd JulyNew Building Arrives on 3rd July

0 Comments 10:23 AM

Our new community building is coming to Bradley Park on Tuesday 3rd July! At least eight – 50 tonne loaded trucks and a very large crane will follow the route below. We will contact residents to ask that there are no cars parked on White Cross, Wilton Av and Meadow Croft on the day to allow the trucks to pass. See the route below..


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Building Work beginsBuilding Work begins

0 Comments 9:57 PM

Work has begun on the new main building for Bradley Park.  Once complete this will have a large community hall, offices, meeting rooms and home and away changing rooms.  Work on the foundations is running at the same time as the building itself is being constructed in Lincolnshire.  The new building will arrive by road in 8 sections and assembled on site in April 2018.

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Lease approved!Lease approved!

0 Comments 9:56 AM

Friends or Bradley Park members have approved a historic motion to sign the proposed 125 year lease with Kirklees Council and bring Bradley Park into community ownership. A preliminary date for the handover was set as the 18th of December 2017. The vote was held at the at the Bradley TRA and represents a massive step towards a commitment to having Bradley Park run by the community for the community.  Signing the lease will release significant funding for a new community building, offices, meeting room and changing facilities for which the group already has planning permission. The new facilities and extensive sports pitches will be rented to community groups on a not for profit basis to pay for park maintenance and improvements

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Friends of Bradley Park visit new building manufacturersFriends of Bradley Park visit new building manufacturers

0 Comments 6:04 PM

Friends of Bradley Park today paid a visit to Avalon Cabins to see the facilities and discuss the new building on Bradley Park. Click on the photos take a look around…

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More information on the new building

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