A UK registered charity that owns and runs Bradley Park
We took over Bradley Park on a community assets transfer scheme from Kirklees Council in December 2017 and fundraised to design and build the new community centre. We are UK registered charity of local Bradley resident volunteers who manage the whole park and buildings in our spare time.
Friends of Bradley Park is a special type of charity called a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
FOBP was formed and registered as a charity on 24th August 2016. This move brought together more formally a number of the initial steering group members with the sole purpose of restoring and re-building Bradley Park after an arson attack in 2014. Our “tree” logo represents many of our founders coming together to create the park.
The Friends of Bradley Park charitable aims are:
.. for the benefit of the inhabitants of Huddersfield, to provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare with the object of improving their conditions of life for the inhabitants of the area of benefit in particular but not exclusively by the preservation, promotion, support, assistance and improvement of Bradley Park.
In short this means creating a park that is owned and cared for by the local community it serves.
We are always on the lookout for new members so if you want to join us please get in touch by emailing info@bradleypark.org.uk
In addition to our members we subcontract out some of the more complex tasks such as maintenance and grass cutting and we also reply on community volunteers for many tasks.
Our History…
It fair to say that we have walked a long road and its not always been easy. Here is a timeline of our emotional roller-coaster so far…
Bradley Park Community Centre Open
Power UP! Thanks to Smith Brothers
Four years after the old changing rooms burnt down the lights are now back on in Bradley Park thanks to a generous donation of time and materials by local electrical engineering firm Smith Brothers. The new purpose-built community centre at Bradley Park was due to open in the summer of 2018 but has been delayed by problems with our power supply. Bradley resident and Smith Brothers employee Darren Kirk lives next to the park and asked his management if they were able to help. Smith Brothers responded by not only designing a brand-new power supply but donated materials and equipment to make it happen and were able to mobilise a team of volunteers from their own workforce to install it.
As a result of Smith Brothers generosity, we now have a new, modern, fit for purpose power connection that will serve the Bradley Community well for many years to come. What’s more we are now back on track to open the new Bradley Park Community Centre in the coming weeks – not months! Bradley Park Community Centre will provide a new home for the Bradley Community and provide facilities not currently available in Bradley for people all ages. We cannot thank Smith Brothers and their staff enough for coming to help us.
Bradley Park Community Centre Finally arrives!
We did it! FOBP Celebrates as Bradley Park Community Centre arrives early in the morning at Bradley Park!
New Building arriving on 3rd July
Our new community building is coming to Bradley Park on Tuesday 3rd July! At least eight – 50 tonne loaded trucks and a very large crane will follow the route below. We will contact residents to ask that there are no cars parked on White Cross, Wilton Av and Meadow Croft on the day to allow the trucks to pass.
GDGC Takeover maintenance of Bradley Park
Building work begins
Friends of Bradley Park take over the whole Park
Friends of Bradley Park take over the Depot
Today Friends of Bradley Park took control of the old Kirklees Council depot, yard and storage on Bradley Park. Our new depot will be used for community storage for groups such as Bradley Girl guides and for park maintenance equipment. The supply of power, toilets and water to the field will greatly improve the quality of events such as our annual fun day on Bradley Park.
FOBP Signs the lease!
Lease approved by FOBP
Friends or Bradley Park members have approved a historic motion to sign the proposed 125 year lease with Kirklees Council and bring Bradley Park into community ownership. A preliminary date for the handover was set as the 18th of December 2017. The vote was held at the at the Bradley TRA and represents a massive step towards a commitment to having Bradley Park run by the community for the community. Signing the lease will release significant funding for a new community building, offices, meeting room and changing facilities for which the group already has planning permission. The new facilities and extensive sports pitches will be rented to community groups on a not for profit basis to pay for park maintenance and improvements
First site visit from the building manufacturers
1st site visit to building manufacturers
The Bradley Park Charity Fun Day returns for its second year
Planning Permission for the new building is approved!
Friends of Bradley Park are successful in the 1st stage application of funding for new park railings
Planning permission gets underway
Friends of Bradley Park today submitted a planning application for the new building. You can see the application online.
£200 Donation received from Huddersfield ASDA community fund
Kirklees Council Cabinet approve the community assets transfer application.
This is a massive milestone for Friends of Bradley Park. Once the paperwork is complete later in the year the whole of Bradley Park including the council depot will be in community ownership!
See the full application and the decision online.
There is a great write up about us
..and our plans for Bradley Park in the latest edition of the Ashbrow community newsletter. If you’ve not got a copy you can read it online by clicking here
"Any council green space" consultation completed
First charity coffee morning and tombola
Drafts Terms produced for 125 year lease of Bradley Park
Community assets transfer application submitted.
New Building specification finalised
Friends of Bradley Park becomes a registered charity!
First Bradley Park Fun Day
FoBP Governance decisions made, agreement on roles and responsibilities
A 50 page draft business plan was finalised
Consultation with community and stakeholders to influence specification and design of facilities
Steering group established
A Steering group for Bradley Park is established from a coming together of the following local groups and organisations.
- Bradley Tenants & Residents Association
- St Thomas School
- Bradley Out of School Club
- Bradley Brownies
- Chestnut Family Forum
- Various local individuals
- Ashbrow Partnering Together
Other Stakeholder Interest includes:
- Local ward councillors
- Huddersfield Deanery Project
- Huddersfield school Boys Football Team
- Deighton Into Sport Project
Four years after the old changing rooms burnt down the lights are now back on in Bradley Park thanks to a generous donation of time and materials by local electrical engineering firm Smith Brothers. The new purpose-built community centre at Bradley Park was due to open in the summer of 2018 but has been delayed by problems with our power supply. Bradley resident and Smith Brothers employee Darren Kirk lives next to the park and asked his management if they were able to help. Smith Brothers responded by not only designing a brand-new power supply but donated materials and equipment to make it happen and were able to mobilise a team of volunteers from their own workforce to install it.
As a result of Smith Brothers generosity, we now have a new, modern, fit for purpose power connection that will serve the Bradley Community well for many years to come. What’s more we are now back on track to open the new Bradley Park Community Centre in the coming weeks – not months! Bradley Park Community Centre will provide a new home for the Bradley Community and provide facilities not currently available in Bradley for people all ages. We cannot thank Smith Brothers and their staff enough for coming to help us.
We did it! FOBP Celebrates as Bradley Park Community Centre arrives early in the morning at Bradley Park!
Our new community building is coming to Bradley Park on Tuesday 3rd July! At least eight – 50 tonne loaded trucks and a very large crane will follow the route below. We will contact residents to ask that there are no cars parked on White Cross, Wilton Av and Meadow Croft on the day to allow the trucks to pass.
Today Friends of Bradley Park took control of the old Kirklees Council depot, yard and storage on Bradley Park. Our new depot will be used for community storage for groups such as Bradley Girl guides and for park maintenance equipment. The supply of power, toilets and water to the field will greatly improve the quality of events such as our annual fun day on Bradley Park.
Friends or Bradley Park members have approved a historic motion to sign the proposed 125 year lease with Kirklees Council and bring Bradley Park into community ownership. A preliminary date for the handover was set as the 18th of December 2017. The vote was held at the at the Bradley TRA and represents a massive step towards a commitment to having Bradley Park run by the community for the community. Signing the lease will release significant funding for a new community building, offices, meeting room and changing facilities for which the group already has planning permission. The new facilities and extensive sports pitches will be rented to community groups on a not for profit basis to pay for park maintenance and improvements
Friends of Bradley Park today submitted a planning application for the new building. You can see the application online.
This is a massive milestone for Friends of Bradley Park. Once the paperwork is complete later in the year the whole of Bradley Park including the council depot will be in community ownership!
See the full application and the decision online.
..and our plans for Bradley Park in the latest edition of the Ashbrow community newsletter. If you’ve not got a copy you can read it online by clicking here
A Steering group for Bradley Park is established from a coming together of the following local groups and organisations.
- Bradley Tenants & Residents Association
- St Thomas School
- Bradley Out of School Club
- Bradley Brownies
- Chestnut Family Forum
- Various local individuals
- Ashbrow Partnering Together
Other Stakeholder Interest includes:
- Local ward councillors
- Huddersfield Deanery Project
- Huddersfield school Boys Football Team
- Deighton Into Sport Project